Online Meetup
calendar21 February
clock11 AM (EST)
zappletechTopic 1
Using ChatGPT in tester's work
zappletechTopic 2
Identifying code smells
Benjamin Bischoff
Jan Sabak
Paul Grossman

Test Automation Meetup


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    You'll Discover

    • Top 13 mistakes in web app test automation
    • Real-world examples across different career levels
    • Root causes of common automation mistakes
    • Best practices for avoiding and rectifying errors
    • Importance of selective automation
    • Strategic tool selection for effective automation
    • Significance of a proper automation framework
    • Human factor’s role in automation success

    Join Us

    On Wednesday

    February 21th, between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM Eastern Time (EST)
    For an Exciting Event!
    10:45 am – 11:00 am (ET)
    Paul Grossman

    Opening by Host Paul Grossman

    11:00 am – 12:00 pm (ET)
    Jan Sabak

    Using ChatGPT in tester's work

    • What ChatGPT is capable of
    • What ChatGPT is not capable of
    • How to write good prompts
    12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (ET)
    Benjamin Bischoff

    Identifying code smells

    • Definition and significance of code smells in application source code.
    • Why recognizing code smells is crucial for application health
    • Explore different types of code smells with examples
    • How addressing code smells improves code maintainability and testing.
    • The value of knowing code smells for testers and non-programmers

    Testimonials From Past Speakers Regarding Our Events

    Bas Dijkstra
    Director at Insipred Academy, Test automation consultant and trainer
    I really enjoy being part of the Zappletech meetups, both as a speaker and as an attendee. The events are well-organised and the lineup is consistently of high quality.
    Péter Földházi
    Quality Architect at EPAM Systems USA
    ZappleTech has a cool online meetup format, that enables people all around the world to hear about many different new technologies and emerging trends in testing.
    Marcel Veselka
    CEO at Wopee Labs
    I'm grateful to Zappletech for inviting me as a speaker to their virtual test automation meetup.

    Our Summits and Meetups Were Attended by Employees of The Following Companies:

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Does it cost money to watch the meetup?

    No. The meetup is absolutely free to watch. We hope that you get some really great value from the content!

    Will a replay be available if I can't join the day of the meetup?

    Yes, the meetup will be available on demand for anyone who is registered for the meetup.

    Do I have to be a Zappletech customer to register for the meetup?

    No. The content of the meetup can help any business related with Test Automation and is available to everyone.

    After I register, how do I access the Test Automation - February 2024?

    After you register for the meetup, you will receive an email with a link that is specific to you. You will access the meetup through that link.

    When is the Test Automation - February 2024?

    The sessions took place on February 21 (Wednesday) from 11AM to 1PM Eastern Time (ET)

    Jan Sabak

    Jan is a seasoned expert with over 25 years of experience in testing and QA. He graduated from the Institute of Informatics
    at the Warsaw University of Technology and has organized and led Quality Assurance departments for several companies, and
    is currently with AmberTeam Testing. He holds seven ISTQB certifications and has a background in teaching subjects related to
    electronics and computer science. Jan actively contributes to the field by promoting the quality culture in software production, having
    been a founder and board member of Polish Testing Board and an organizer of the Testwarez and ConSelenium conferences. He is
    also a co-author of the book "Agile Testing Foundations: An ISTQB Foundation Level Agile Tester guide."

    Benjamin Bischoff

    I spent 15 years as a software developer and trainer before transitioning to a Test Automation Engineer position at
    trivago N.V. in Germany in in 2016. There, I am now focussed on backend and API testing after spending my first five
    years as the core developer of the company's in-house UI test automation framework. My book "Writing API Tests With Karate"
    came out in 2023 and I maintain multiple open-source test automation related projects. Additionally, I am a regular conference
    speaker and write about testing, automation, and software craftsmanship topics on my website

    Paul Grossman

    Paul Grossman has over 20 years experience as an SDET with numerous test automation tool sets and languages. Most recently he began
    managing five WebDriverIO projects in JavaScript for Guaranteed Rate. Prior to that he spent three years working with Selenium in Java as
    well as Micro Focus UFT One in VBScript. He recently wrote a Natural Language Processing engine Add On for the TestProject community.
    He is currently conducting a Proof of Concept of the testRigor low-code tool Paul have been a speaker at test automation conferences for 16 years.
    He has been a featured guest on the Halloween episodes of the Test Guild automation podcast with Joe Colantonio and The QA
    Lead podcast with Jonathan Wright.

    Larry Goddard

    Larry Goddard is the Test Automation Architect at Oxford University Press (OUP) with responsibility for developing the organisations
    Testing Strategy and Framework. Larry is a member of BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT (MBCS), co-founder & CEO of the KLASSI brand,
    Creator of 'klassi-js' a open-source Test Automation Framework, Larry is also a Mentor (Aleto Foundation, Black Girls in Tech and Private Individuals)
    and Speaker at Tech Conferences and meet-ups dealing with and highlighting Test Automation.