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Software Test Automation 2021-2022

Benefits. Approaches. Tools. Trends. Outsourcing. Best practices

The virtual summit took place on Wednesday-Thursday,
15-16 December from 8.45 am to 3.20 pm EST.

You have the opportunity to watch the recording after registering.

Get the media content:


    Jenna Charlton

    Jenna Charlton

    Product Owner at Functionize


    17 Best Experts Will Give A Talk

    Svetlana Grinevich

    Svetlana Grinevich

    Larissa Rosochansky

    Larissa Rosochansky

    Senior Manager, Lean Digital Transformation @ CI&T
    Rafael Cintra

    Rafael Cintra

    Solutions Architect, QA & DevOps at CI&T
    Adam Sandman

    Adam Sandman

    Founder & CEO - Inflectra Corporation
    Nikolaj Tolkaсiov

    Nikolaj Tolkačiov

    Testing Practice Lead at Devbridge
    Dinesh Raisinghani

    Dinesh Raisinghani

    Digital Transformation Leader at Capco
    Ryan Papineau

    Ryan Papineau

    Senior Software Engineer
    Anastasios Daskalopoulos

    Anastasios Daskalopoulos

    Director of Quality Automation at DemandBridge
    Dr. Thomas M. Fehlmann

    Dr. Thomas M. Fehlmann

    International Senior Researcher and Consultant for Lean
    Drew Pontikis

    Drew Pontikis

    Quality Feedback Manager at Featurespace
    Melissa Tondi

    Melissa Tondi

    Speaker, Writer, Quality and Process Engineering Enthusiast
    Sumit Mundhada

    Sumit Mundhada

    Automation Test Lead - Speaker | Blogger | Automation Testing | Quality Assurance | Philomath | Learner | Solution-Seeker
    Mykhailo Poliarush

    Mykhailo Poliarush

    Founder | Help tech entrepreneurs and companies to build custom web\mobile apps, test automation, QA and DevOps
    Bas Hamer

    Bas Hamer

    Software designer and legacy systems problem solver
    PJ Hagerty

    PJ Hagerty

    Founder of, Head of DevRel at Mattermost, Co-host at Community Pulse Podcast
    Ketan V Joshi

    Ketan V Joshi

    Global Head of Performance Engineering - Credit Risk | Learner | Continuous Automation and Performance | Speaker

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    already registered


    Day 1

    Wednesday – December 15 (Eastern Time UTC-5)

    Jenna Charlton

    About host

    8.15 am – 8.25 am (ET)

    Mykhailo Poliarush

    About speaker

    8.25 am – 9.00 am (ET)
    How to manage automated tests effectively between QA, Dev and BA with test management system
    Test automation and manual testing collaboration issues nowadays
    Test management systems and how easily integrate automated tests into it
    3 amigos process in practice
    Practical example of BDD tests + test management + CI\CD + reporting + jira
    Living documentation implementation examples

    Svetlana Grinevich

    About speaker

    9.00 am – 9.40 am (ET)
    Artificial Intelligence QA - Testing Automation with AI. How help companies to test faster?
    Take a big data approach and use machine learning to speed up the testing
    Say goodbye to Test Scripts which take a lot of effort to create and ever longer to maintain.
    Create a test using the architecture of natural language.

    Ketan V Joshi

    About speaker

    9.40 am – 10.20 am (ET)
    What Might be More Hot and Sought - 2022
    COVID has changed a lot of things - business and the way deliver and at speed. We are expected to be more agile, more remote, more hands off and automated. Being that time of the year, my talk would therefore like to give an insight of what I believe should be our key focus areas for 2022. We will discuss in detail specifically on how below key areas would have a lasting impact on the way we deliver and test.
    Cloud Migrations Speeding Up, Further evaluation of microservices, NFT and RPA areas gaining a lot of traction and focus and how AI ML could evolve further.

    Larissa Rosochansky

    About speaker

    10.20 am – 11.00 am (ET)
    The Automate Everything Fallacy: how to convince otherwise?
    Test Automation Fallacy vs Reality
    Automation Cost
    What to Automate
    Cost vs Feedback Cycle
    11.00 am – 11.20 am (ET)


    Rafael Cintra

    About speaker

    11.20 am – 12.00 pm (ET)
    How to design Test Automation as a Service through a QA Plattform
    Why you need a QA Plattform
    The building blocks of Test Automation as a Service
    How to leverage Test Automation as a Service through a QA Platfform
    How to start a QA Plattform which will increase your Test Automation implementation and adoption

    PJ Hagerty

    About speaker

    12.00 pm – 12.40 pm (ET)
    The Pony Express and How Technology Moves Fast

    This talk will take a look at certain aspects of tech to see where we find value, where things have been built on shaky ground, and where strong foundations will move the industry forward. We’ll take a look at:

    Philosophies and Fads (Agile, DevOps, BDD/TDD/Shame Driven Development)
    Programming Languages: Emerging vs Established
    Hardware, the Cloud, Containers, and Serverless

    Melissa Tondi

    About speaker

    12.40 pm – 1.20 pm (ET)
    Automation - We're Doing it Wrong
    In this talk, we will discuss the many mis-conceptions and perceptions around test automation
    Set the record straight on what automation is and, more importantly, what it is NOT.
    The five misconceptions on test automation that are pervasive within companies
    Re-booting our current thinking of automation and show tactics to address the five misconceptions
    Melissa will share practical and proven approaches you can take back with you to show immediate and valuable results.
    1.20 pm – 1.40 pm (ET)


    Adam Sandman

    About speaker

    1.40 pm – 2.20 pm (ET)
    Ready to Run the Risk? - Applying a Risk-Based Approach to Testing
    How a risk-based approach to testing gives better outcomes
    How you can use project metrics to create a risk-adjusted test plan
    Practical examples of tools and techniques you can use to implement the test plan

    Drew Pontikis

    About speaker

    2.20 pm – 3.00 pm (ET)
    How do communities improve quality?
    An introduction to the benefits of Communities of practice
    How they support and teams and individuals in the modern age of multi-disciplinary hybrid (and often distributed) delivery team working
    My thoughts on how their adoption can enhance the value from your teams
    How they break down traditional knowledge silo's such as test automation so whole teams can take control of quality

    Bas Hamer

    About speaker

    3.00 pm – 3.40 pm (ET)
    The “good enough” quality horizon
    Define good enough and determine whether you are there.
    Once quality is “good enough” improvements start competing with each other with zero sum dynamics.
    How to have conversations around quality when it is no longer about improving quality
    Picking winners and losers from your quality initiatives

    Jenna Charlton

    About host

    3.40 pm - 3.55 pm (ET)
    Final word

    Day 2

    Thursday – December 16 (Eastern Time UTC-5)

    Jenna Charlton

    About host

    8.45 am – 9.00 am (ET)

    Nikolaj Tolkačiov

    About speaker

    9.00 am – 9.40 am (ET)
    Full-stack Test Automation
    Wholistic approach to test automation
    Bug filter concept
    Where to start adoption of full-stack test automation
    Common myths about unit testing
    Few ideas on how you can accelerate your test automation

    Dr. Thomas M. Fehlmann

    About speaker

    9.40 am – 10.20 am (ET)
    ART for Beginners – Autonomous Real-time Testing for Cyber-physical Products
    Software Testing is an autonomous activity parallel to DevOps, not somewhere in between
    Software Testing is model-based, using models for the functionality under test
    Test cases shall be automatically selected using Combinatory Logic and Users’ Values
    Test cases are executed automatically using Kubernetes Customer Resources and Digital Twins
    Software Testing is the most important activity in DevOps to create confidence in Cyber-physical products

    Jenna Charlton

    About speaker

    10.20 am – 11.00 am (ET)
    Leveraging Low and No Code Automation to Enable Teams
    Low and no code automation is a quick start for teams to shift from manual to automation
    The future of low and no code
    How low and no code address test debt
    Overview of low and no code options
    11.00 am – 11.20 am (ET)


    Anastasios Daskalopoulos

    About speaker

    11.20 am – 12.00 pm (ET)
    An Easy Approach to Continuous Testing In DevOps
    The Changing Face of Quality Assurance
    Exploratory and Rapid Testing
    Test Automation Practices
    Continuous Test and DevOps
    Reporting Results to the Team

    Ryan Papineau

    About speaker

    12.00 pm – 12.40 pm (ET)
    Alaska Airlines: Service Virtualization and Test Data Management - The Journey
    The Journey
    Solution Showcase
    Actual Environment
    Engineered Data

    Dinesh Raisinghani

    About speaker

    12.40 pm – 1.20 pm (ET)
    Leveraging Digital Workforce for UAT automation
    Even though Test Automation has been around for many years now, the adoption rate is still on the lower end of the spectrum.
    That’s because when firms discuss Test Automation, the focus is primarily on Test Execution and its well-known pitfalls like high up-front cost, reduced ROI, maintenance issues, etc.
    This alleviates business in seeing the value in investing in automation. But with technology advancements, Test automation needs to be approached with a different mindset.
    I would be discussing ways to successfully automate UAT with the help of Model-based testing and how can businesses derive maximum value out of it.
    I would also be talking about how the adoption of Digital Workforce can be used to automate UAT.
    Finally, the presentation would highlight risks that organisations should be aware of and ways to mitigate them
    1.20 pm – 1.40 pm (ET)


    Sumit Mundhada

    About speaker

    1.40 pm – 2.20 pm (ET)
    AI ML and Test Automation
    This talk will unfold the use cases and the future trends for AI and ML with respect to software testing.
    Talk will touch base on how ML algorithms & AI can help in quality testing and overall return of investment with examples and best practices.
    Overview on Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML).

    Jenna Charlton

    About host

    2.20 pm - 2.35 pm (ET)
    Final word

    17 Best Experts Will Give A Talk

    Watch The Summit Recording

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    Our summits and meetups were attended by employees of the following companies:

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    Frequently Asked Questions:

    No. The summit is absolutely free to watch. We hope that you get some really great value from the content!

    Yes, the summit will be available on demand for anyone who is registered for the summit.

    No. The content of the summit can help any business related with Test Automation and is available to everyone.

    After you register for the summit, you will receive an email with a link that is specific to you. You will access the summit through that link.

    The virtual summit took place on Wednesday-Thursday, 15-16 December from 8.45 am to 3.20 pm EST.

    1.1/5 - (320 votes)
    Rafael Cintra

    Solutions Architect focused on DevOps and Continuous Testing experienced with multidisciplinary
    and co-located teams on medium and large-sized companies. Extensive experience within financial
    services working with banks going through an agile and digital transformation while applying DevOps
    and Continuous Testing principles.

    Dinesh Raisinghani

    • Employed with Capco as a Principal Consultant in the Wealth Management and Technology practice
    • Over 20+ years of Technology and Consulting experience in executing various Agile based business transformational programs in Financial services space
    • Domain expertise in Wealth Management, Capital Markets, Commercial and Retail Banking
    • Technology expertise in Project and Program management, Business Analysis, Test management and Business Development
    • Currently managing a complex business critical Program for an integrated Wealth Management platform digitization for bank’s 6000+ FA’s, responsible for
    end-to-end management of a large cross-functional team, program budget of over $2MM, Senior level reporting and key stakeholder management
    • Qualifications and certifications:
    o Robotic Operating Model (ROM) Architect, 2020
    o Professional Scrum Master (PSM), 2018
    o PMI - Project Management Professional (PMP), 2012
    o MBA, Finance, 2006
    o BE, Electronics, 1999

    Ryan Papineau

    The journey takes us from where we started to do Service Virtualization and Test Data Management engineer for enterprise projects, to when we
    needed multi-protocol multi database scalable solutions.Using these professional tools, we were able to "go from untestable to testable" and
    "Data you want, when you want it, and where you want it." After several years of performing service virtualization and test data management
    across multiple systems, we were able to augment our solutions and build referential data at scale using engineered data.

    Anastasios Daskalopoulos

    Anastasios came to the world of Quality Assurance out of curiosity after enrolling in a Business Information Technology program to become a Java Developer:
    being informed of an available software testing position at a major European telecommunications company, he applied and much to his surprise got the job,
    and has enjoyed doing it ever since. His approach to software testing involves exploring the system to learn if end user expectations as well as management
    requirements are satisfied, as well developing suites of automated tests to ensure system quality. In addition to using the IT approach to find bugs, Anastasios
    uses research methods he has learned over several career paths to investigate and explore software. To keep up with the increasing speed of software development,
    Anastasios has been concentrating on quickly developing accurate test automation suites in tandem with Developers to show that business requirements are being
    met and the software works as expected.

    Dr. Thomas M. Fehlmann

    Dr. Thomas Fehlmann is an international expert for Software Quality Management, Six Sigma for Software, Software Testing, and User-centric Development.
    He works as consultant for innovative organizations in product development and product management. He helped a few companies to reach world-class
    dominance based on their software-intense products.

    Nikolaj Tolkačiov

    Because I'm lazy and easily bored, I tend to automate everything I can, if I need to do something twice that is a good indication that something
    is off. My automation experience suit includes mobile, gherkin, web, C#, Java, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, and multiple frameworks. I do coding and
    “DevOps'ing” too because I gain most of the value not deep-diving into one framework or discipline, but generalizing in the whole spectrum of
    software engineering. This generalist point of view allows me to see some issues from different angles and come up with more solutions to solve problems.

    Mesut Durukal

    He managed various testing activities in multinational projects. He had the technical lead positions in a number of teams and managed QA squads.
    He took the responsibility for V&V activities for cloud-based open IoT platform, microservices and robotics products such as Autonomous Mobile
    Robots and Warehouse Solutions. He is a frequent international speaker, having UCAAT 8 Best presentation award winner and various program
    committee membership with various talks.

    Niko Mangahas

    Niko has over 15 years of Quality and Process Strategy Consulting for Information Systems across virtually every industry. Starting out as a developer,
    he found his true passion in process and testing management roles. Niko started and led Hewlett-Packard Enterprise’s QA Solution Architecture team
    in the Asia-Pacific Region, growing the team and service revenue more than tenfold in through expanded pursuit efforts, unparalleled delivery excellence
    and truly innovative solutions. He also has designed, built and led numerous centers of excellence, communities of practice, and other transformation and
    automation programs with up to 200 resources. He now leads the Quality Engineering Practice for RCG Global Services, where he drives delivery strategy,
    standards and methodology, innovation and capability building internally and through technology partners. He is passionate about leveraging AI and RPA
    technologies in Quality Engineering.

    Rafael Cintra

    Solution Architect focused on DevOps and Continuous Testing, with experience in multidisciplinary teams and located globally in medium and large companies.
    Extensive experience in financial services, working with banks that have gone through agile and digital transformations, applying the principles of DevOps and
    Continuous Testing in the daily lives of teams.
    Rafael Cintra so has an important history in facilitating and applying Agile principles to add value to the business, helping them to connect with IT and scalling
    DevOps and Test Automation.

    Larissa Rosochansky

    A seasoned professional with over 21 years of experience in IT, Larissa is a strategist, innovator, consultant, and product manager focused on delivering value to
    the customer using Lean Digital Transformation overseeing all efforts for a given Value Stream. Before that, she led the Intelligent Automation Offering for Brazil
    Market at Avanade and the Global Automation Brazil Program, Test Practice, and its Go to Market activities at IBM Brazil.
    Larissa holds a Law degree and a specialization in Software Engineering and she is a certified PMP by PMI, ITIL Foundation by EXIN, Certified SAFEe 5 Lean Portfolio
    Manager, and PSM I by, and has the IT Specialist Level 2 - Test Discipline Badge and Design Thinking Co-Creator Badge from IBM.

    Jenna Charlton

    I began speaking in 2018 at CodeMash in Sandusky Ohio where my first talk How Pro Wrestling Made Me A World Champion Tester put me on the proverbial map.
    Since then I’ve given far more serious talks at conferences like TestBash and Star. In 2020 I was a keynote at STARWest Virtual testing conference and I was on the selection
    committees for STARWest 2021 and Agile Testing Days USA as well as host for TestBash Home 2020 and 2021. I am an occasional tech blogger, trainer, product owner, and
    always a tester, but the accomplishments I’m most proud of are my ordination as a deacon at South Euclid UCC in 2016 and my long and happy marriage to my spouse for
    the past 11 years.

    Drew Pontikis

    I've been involved in testing and quality for over 10 years now, and have had the chance to work with and learn from many talented teams and individuals.
    I always love the opportunity to talk about the human side of quality, and have a passion for helping teams discover new ideas and approaches

    Melissa Tondi

    Melissa Tondi has spent most of her career working within software testing teams. She is the Director of Quality Engineering Guild Education and a Principal
    Consultant at Disrupt Testing, where she assists companies to continuously improve the pursuit of quality software—from design to delivery and everything
    in between. In her software test and quality engineering careers, Melissa has focused on building and organizing teams around three major tenets—efficiency,
    innovation, and culture – and uses the Greatest Common Denominator (GCD) approach for determining ways in which team members can assess, implement and
    report on day to day activities so the gap between need and value is as small as possible.

    Sumit Mundhada

    Sumit Mundhada is test automation professional with over a decade of experience in test automation, automation framework development and quality
    assurance for cutting edge technology products.
    He has worked with MNCs like Samsung Mobile, Reliance Jio and Electronics Arts (EA Mobile Games) before Joining Vodafone (_VOIS).
    He is a Tech Speaker & Blogger. He has represented many testing conferences, forums and published several white papers with respect to test automation
    benefiting test automation & QA community.

    Key Achievements:

    • Samsung Employee Of the Year 2013 - Samsung Mobile
    • Vodafone Achiever Award 2017-2018
    • Vodafone Achiever Award 2018 - 2019
    • Honored as a “Thought Leader” for speaking at Global Testing Retreat, 2020.
    • Honored as a “Thought Leader” for Speaking at TestCon 2020
    • Honored for speaking at TestFlix - Global Software Testing Binge, 2020.
    • Honored as a “Thought Leader” for representing & speaking at DevOps Summit, 2017 by Unicom
    • Keynote Speaker at TestCon, 2019.
    Larry Goddard

    Larry Goddard is the Test Automation Architect at Oxford University Press (OUP) with responsibility for developing the organisations
    Testing Strategy and Framework. Larry is a member of BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT (MBCS), co-founder & CEO of the KLASSI brand,
    Creator of 'klassi-js' a open-source Test Automation Framework, Larry is also a Mentor (Aleto Foundation, Black Girls in Tech and Private Individuals)
    and Speaker at Tech Conferences and meet-ups dealing with and highlighting Test Automation.

    Ketan V Joshi

    I would describe me as a Continuous Learner, Collaborator and Testing Evangelist. With 20 plus years of experience varying from Manufacturing/Embedded to BFS and a speaker
    I try to share my experiences and best practices in such forums. Completed a few certifications like Six Sigma Green Belt, CSM from Scrum Alliance, SAFE RTE on the way. I believe
    in Continuous Learning with my latest interest being around Google Cloud and SAFe framework. Continuous Automation Testing and Performance Engineering being my favorites.
    My intention is to add value to the organization and the testing fraternity to help them evolve on the testing path and not treat it as a separate entity/work.

    Hima Bindu Peteti

    Bindu has over 15 years of experience as an, Advisor, Full stack engineer, Change agent, Coach, and a Mentor.
    She has significant experience in leading SRE and Test engineering Center of excellence teams in large organizations. Bindu worked in defining strategic direction for Cross
    functional teams across organizations to improve quality and reliability.
    Bindu lead several automation initiatives to enhance Operational Excellence, Toil reduction, Fault tolerance and resilient features, improve delivery feature velocity and improve
    production stability
    She is currently working at Fannie Mae leading SRE center of Excellence team supporting Fannie Mae’s mission to provide a reliable source of affordable mortgage financing across
    the country and to provide a stable source of liquidity to support low-and moderate-income mortgage borrowers and renters.
    Bindu fuels her passion by evangelizing engineering excellence practices in several international and national forums to create a bigger impact

    PJ Hagerty

    PJ is the Head of Developer Advocacy at Mattermost and a board member of Open Sourcing Mental Health ( He is an organizer of DevOps Days Buffalo,
    CodeDaze, and ElixirDaze. Additionally, PJ is a developer, writer, speaker, and musician. He is known to travel the world speaking about programming and the way people
    think and interact. He is also known for wearing hats.

    Bas Hamer

    With 15+ years as a full-stack software engineer, I have cultivated my reputation as a highly productive technical leader keen to collaborate and solve problems.
    My approach leverages an appreciation for automation and process improvement. I natively recognize areas where we can make gains and improve processes for
    both humans and software.
    These insights allow me to support, coach, and build solutions with and for cross-functional product delivery teams. Solutions might range from domain-specific
    languages to reduce the cost of ownership to test automation for cheaper deployment with higher confidence.

    Mykhailo Poliarush
    Founder of ZappleTech

    I’m a tech entrepreneur and test automation engineer who loves to build valuable projects and teams through well-organized automated tests. Helping
    companies develop and deliver great software solutions based on test automation expertise from world-known tools development and many clients projects
    implementations. Working with us, you will have quick engagement, proficiency in automated tests, and an organized engineering team with a product development
    mindset that will develop necessary test automation and infrastructure quickly in a cost-effective manner.

    Svetlana Grinevich

    I've being programming since I was a teenager. Technology is a big passion for me. My career includes leadership experience in managing with an emphasis
    on quality control and software testing, including automated testing, process re-engineering and organizational change management. I have extensive experience
    as a practitioner in managing test delivery, driving testing and project management transformation, delivering process improvements, driving production stability
    and managing growth and improvements using data and metrics. I started my career as a developer at Belgiprozem Project institute and then moved to test automation
    and test management for several small IT companies. I am a Masters’ Degree in Computer Programming from the University of Belarus. Nowadays I'm diving into Machine
    Learning frameworks and IoT platforms.